Saturday, September 19, 2015

What I learned about summaries

I have learned many things about summaries this past week. Probably the most important thing I learned was to not put your opinion when summarizing. In a summary you should only put facts about what you read or watched. I also learned that you should write your summaries in chronological order and it should not include unnecessary points or events. These points or events add a lot of extra unnecessary info that does not help the summary. Overall, this week has taught me a lot about how to write better summaries. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

When it comes to documentaries, I can say that I am a very big fan. Whether it's a documentary on someone I already know about or maybe someone new I have always found them very interesting. Personally, I have watched many documentaries on tv and Netflix. I like documentaries because I learn some background on people or events that I had no prior knowledge. I find them informative which I like very much.

As a writer I believe that a documentary could enhance your writing skills. I say this because to make a documentary you need to dig deep and not just scratch the surface. You have to research on the topic and make sure that what you are writing has some sort of credibility. These are all traits and abilities that I believe a writer should have.

Watching the documentary After Tiller I can say that it was a very good documentary. It really opened my eyes on the topic of abortion, and really informed me on how big of an issue it is. The film talked about the lives of the doctors that were doing these type of abortions, and basically the whole process from start to end. The biggest part of the documentary was the stories that the patients told that made them come to the decision of having an abortion.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Social Media Stereotypes

Being users of the internet we can all say that we have jumped on the social media bandwagon. Whether it was using Facebook or Twitter, we have all jumped from one social media site to the other. There are many stereotypes associated with the internet, and one of them being that social media sites are just trends that come and go. We all know that in a year or two there will be another site that will catch our attention. For example, a couple of years ago Facebook was the most popular site, but now the tables have turned and Twitter has taken it's place. In a year or two there will be another and then another, etc.. Personally, I can say that I have been that guy that likes keeping up with most recent site, and I know that I don't stand alone when I say that if a newer one pops up that we will be ready to hop on the bandwagon.